Cheyney University is committed to continuous improvement in the quality of our college experience. We established our Cheyney University Demonstrating Outstanding Service or C.U.D.O.S. award to encourage excellence by recognizing the extraordinary contributions of our University staff in advancing advancing our mission of preparing extraordinary leaders. The awards are offered in recognition of those who serve our constituents in an exemplary manner and as an incentive for others who aspire to such service.
The Awards Process
One staff person will be recognized quarterly during the Fall and Spring semesters (September, December, February, and May). Recipients will receive an award of recognition at the annual staff recognition event; as well as PR acknowledgment via the Cheyney website and The HR Connect.

Candidate selection will be a campus-based process, based on feedback from the campus community. Recommendation from the Student Government Cooperative Association (SGCA), APSCUF (Coaches), SPFPA, OPEIU, AFSCME and SCUPA collective bargaining units will also be used to select the appropriate recipient. The Office of the President will administer the program, and all recommendations shall be submitted to the Director of Human Resources by the last day of the quarter. Awards will be announced the following month in conjunction with the release of the monthly newsletter.
Nominees must have consistently performed in an exemplary manner that exceeds the expectations of their position. Their efforts should demonstrate a commitment to the mission of the University and reflect Cheyney’s core values of scholarship, diversity, respect, integrity, and service.
Nominees must satisfy one or more of the following criteria:
- Demonstrates a consistent ability to make a significant, positive impact within their department, fostering the mission of the University; an exemplary colleague and universally recognized resource and co-worker who provides the highest quality of service to the campus community.
- Demonstrates an ability to consistently make a significant positive impact beyond the University, and within the person’s larger community.
- Demonstrates a consistent commitment in providing expert service to our students; demonstrated initiative and creativity, exceptional individual or team contributions, and continuous improvement in student service.
- Has proven the ability to make a unique departmental contribution by embracing the Cheyney University spirit; has demonstrated examples of high-quality of service; possesses a track record of building interdepartmental relationships that lead to continuous improvement.
If you would like to nominate an individual for the C.U.D.O.S. award, fill out and complete the Nomination Form. The CU.D.O.S. committee will review each nomination and