University-Wide Curriculum Committee: Officers' Duties
The duties of UCC Officers are included in the UCC bylaws (Article VI), approved by the UCC, the APSCUF Executive Board, and local Meet & Discuss, and shared with statewide Meet & Discuss.
Article VI – Duties of Officers
The Executive Committee:
All officers shall serve on the Executive Committee of the UCC and meet periodically at the discretion of the Chair.
The Chair shall:
- Call and announce both Regular Membership and Executive Committee meetings;
- Prepare the agenda and serve as co-facilitator at all UCC meetings;
- Distribute agenda and relevant curricular materials in advance of each scheduled meeting;
- Forward and present curricular change proposals and recommendations approved by the UCC to the Provost and members of the Academic Affairs Council (AAC);
- Serve as UCC liaison to the Academic Affairs Council;
- Serve as UCC liaison to the APSCUF Executive Board;
- Maintain records of all proposals
The Vice Chair of Curriculum shall:
- Serve as substitute for the Chair in any of the above functions as needed;
- Serve as co-facilitator at all UCC meetings;
- Serve as first/second reviewer of all proposal submissions in consultation with the Chair;
- Serve as a member of the UCC Executive Committee and provide support as requested by the Chair to ensure the smooth functioning of the Committee;
- Maintain the UCC content relayed on the website in consultation with the Chair.
The Secretary of Curriculum shall:
- Record minutes of all meetings of the UCC;
- Forward minutes to the Chair in a timely manner for review in advance of next meeting;
- Duplicate and distribute copies of minutes at all meetings;
- Serve as member of UCC Executive Committee and provide support to the Chair to ensure the smooth functioning of the Committee.
The Vice Chair of General Education shall:
- Chair the General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC);
- Submit a report or minutes to the UCC following all regularly scheduled meetings;
- Serve as second/third reviewer of all proposal submissions in consultation with the Chair;
- Serve as a member of the UCC Executive Committee and provide support as requested by the Chair to ensure the functioning of the Committee.
- Seek out professional development resources and experiences for the GECC to maintain best practices regarding General Education standards.
The Secretary of General Education shall:
- Record minutes of all regular and call meetings of the GECC;
- Forward minutes to the Chair in a timely manner for review in advance of next meeting;
- Duplicate and distribute copies of all regular and special meetings;
- Serve as member of UCC Executive Committee and provide support to the Chair to ensure the smooth functioning of the Committee.