Maintaining Standards of Excellence in the Cheyney Curriculum
The University-wide Curriculum Committee (UCC) is the recommending body for matters related to curriculum.
Recommendations from the UCC are made to the Academic Affairs Council on all matters that affect the development, modification, change, adoption, and implementation of the curriculum. This includes but is not limited to:
- Revisions in course title, number, credit hour, and catalog descriptions.
- Revisions in the curriculum that define a program, major, degree, minor, or concentration.
- Proposals for distance education courses.
- Proposals for new courses, programs, majors, degrees, minors, or concentrations.
- Proposals for changes in intensive designated courses.
- Revisions and assessment of the general education program.
- Curricular policies and related issues.
- Recommendation of course cap sizes.
Furthermore, the UCC shall provide procedures and mechanisms for the development, revision, and evaluation of the curriculum at the University-wide level. All such procedures shall be in compliance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The UCC operates under an approved set of by-laws that are approved by the UCC itself, the APSCUF Executive Board, and local Meet & Discuss, and are shared with statewide Meet & Discuss. The current by-laws can be viewed here. As communicated in the by-laws, the UCC consists of one voting member from each of the academic departments, whether they consist of either classroom or non-classroom faculty. In addition, the UCC will include one non-voting member selected by the President. The voting members shall serve two-year terms; the President’s non-voting member will be named annually on or before September 1st of each academic year.
Revision and assessment of the general education curricula is an essential function of the UCC. This function will be satisfied through a standing committee of the UCC referred to as the General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC). This committee will consider all relevant matters pertaining to the assessment and continuous improvement of the general education curricula. The GECC serves as an advisory body that makes recommendations to the UCC. The GECC meets on the third Friday of every month.
The GECC similarly operates under the same set of by-laws. It shall be composed of one voting member from each of the academic departments. In addition, the committee also includes course coordinators that represent aspects of the general education curriculum and facilitate assessment of general education courses. The voting members of the GECC will be selected by each department. In addition, the GECC may include one non-voting member selected by the President.
The UCC meets on the third Monday of every month during the academic year. All meetings are open to the University community.