- Academic Success Center
- Supplemental Instruction

Expanding Our Classroom Instruction & Learning Experience For Success
Contact ASC
2nd Floor, Room 109
Phone (610) 399-2046
Fax (610) 399-2322
Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Tutor Hours
Mon-Thu 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm
At Cheyney, all of our courses are designed to challenge students — and history tells us that some courses are more challenging than others. That’s why we offer a unique service to help students persevere and achieve success in these courses.
Our Supplemental Instruction service matches students with supplementary instructors for lectures and out-of-class study sessions that are designed to improve student success and retention. In a collaborative setting, professional and/or peer leaders partner with both faculty and students to discuss readings, compare notes, or share ideas for improving our students’ classroom experience.
Courses selected for Supplemental Instruction tend to be “gatekeeper” courses for first and second year students. These courses generally have a 30% or higher rate of students who receive a “D”, fail, or withdrawal (the DFW rate) from the course.
Supplemental Instruction Leaders can be students or professionals and will attend class lectures, take notes, and act as role models for those currently taking the course.
- Guidance & Counseling
- Student Wellness
- Career Services
- Writing Center
- Health Services
Computer Lab

Conference Room

For individuals seeking more information about the Academic Success Center

Please contact us at

ASC Brochure