Committed to Campus & Public Safety
We’re absolutely committed to ensuring the safety of every member of the Cheyney community, and take every action to respond quickly to issues and concerns. We employ a 24-hour Police and Security force to serve, protect, and educate the campus community.
The Cheyney Police Department is staffed by dedicated, sworn police officers who have received the same required training as municipal police officers throughout Pennsylvania. Our officers on participate in annual police update training under PA Act 180. Our officers patrol all of the buildings on campus around the clock, every day of the year, and not only respond to reported criminal incidents, but also handle vehicle accidents, EMS incidents and a variety of service calls.
The Cheyney Police Department works very closely with surrounding municipal police departments daily to provide for a safe and secure environment throughout the entire community. By working with the campus Office of Judicial Affairs, they help to hold students accountable for behavior both on and off campus. During special events and activities, Cheyney supplements our full-time police force with contractual security to help ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.
Daily Crime, Police & Fire Log
Every day, Cheyney Police are working toward keeping our campus safe. Our Police Communication Officers are on duty 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, taking calls for service, inputting data and monitoring our cameras to keep you safe. A daily log of all crimes reported to the Cheyney police department over the last 60 days is maintained and available for public review at our office. We also maintain a written Fire Log that records, by the date reported, any fire that occurs in an on-campus student housing facility. You may obtain a copy of the logs by appearing in person at:
Cheyney University Police Department
McKnight-Rogers Building
1837 University Circle
Cheyney, PA, 19319
Annual Campus Crime & Security Report Availability
Annual Campus Crime & Security Reports include statistics for the previous three years on reported crimes that occurred on-campus, in certain off-campus buildings, property owned or controlled by Cheyney University, and on public property within the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security. You can obtain a printed copy of this report by contacting Public Safety at (610) 399-2405 or download by clicking here.
To Report a Crime Safely and Securely use the Anonymous Tip Line.
Help us to Keep our Campus a Safe Environment
If you’ve witnessed a crime, simply Complete This Form to report it anonymously. Please fill in all the fields on the form as much as possible to help us better serve you. This website is secure and all information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. Do not use the Anonymous Tip Line to report emergencies.
Department of Public Safety
Jerome Brown
Interim Director of Public Safety
Phone: (610) 399-2405/2178
Fax: (610) 399-2146
McKnight Rogers Building
Any Student Code of Conduct concerns should be directed to the Student Code of Conduct and Compliance department.
Student Code of Conduct & Compliance:
Dr. Jackie Irving
Student Code of Conduct & Compliance
(610) 399-2013
Marcus Foster, Rm 219
Office Hours: 9 am – 5 pm
Access all Student Conduct Policies and information here.
Public Forum Policy Information
The primary function of Cheyney University of Pennsylvania is for the education and development of students. To fulfill its educational mission, the University must respect and uphold the full panoply of, sometimes conflicting, rights of students, staff, and faculty granted by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 7 of the Pennsylvania Constitution. In light of the foregoing, the University supports the rights of students, staff, and faculty to individually and collectively engage in Expressive Activity. Such rights are equally extended to other University Community Members including individuals, Registered Student Organizations, university departments, and the Guests of student groups or university departments.
This policy establishes guidelines to assure that expressive activities do not unreasonably interfere with University Operations, undermine the protected speech of others, present a risk of harm to others or University Property. Importantly, through this policy, the University regulates the time, place, and manner of speech in a content-neutral manner as a legitimate way to fulfill its educational mission.