Recognizing Exceptional Academic Achievement
At Cheyney, we believe that outstanding achievements serve as inspiration to our campus community. That’s why chapters of the nation’s leading honors societies are represented at the University:
Alpha Kappa Mu, a national honor society for men and women, was founded in 1937 at Tennessee A & I State University. The Cheyney Mu Eta chapter was chartered in 1973. Its purpose is to promote high scholarship and to develop an appreciation for scholarship and scholarly endeavors in others.
Alpha Lambda Delta is a national honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence among first year students. Membership is open to full-time freshman who earn an average of 3.5 or above at a four-year college or University. Alpha Lambda Delta emphasizes that educated persons have a responsibility to “have tolerance in dealings with all persons, generosity in giving to those in need, and insight into the feelings of others”. Members are challenged to make a meaningful contribution to society. Alpha Lambda Delta was founded in the spring of 1924 at the University of Illinois.
Alpha Phi Sigma, a national scholastic honorary society, was founded in 1930 at Northeast Missouri State College. Its purpose is to give honor and recognition to those who have achieved high standards of scholarship and character. Students who have completed 60 semester hours of college work and who possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 are eligible for membership.
Alpha Psi Omega, an honorary dramatic society, was founded in 1925 to give honor and recognition to high achievement in dramatics, and to provide a wider fellowship for those interested in college theater. The Psi Alpha Chapter was established in December 1973.
Beta Kappa Chi, a national scientific honor society for men and women, was founded by science faculty and students of Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, in 1923. Its purposes are to stimulate undergraduate and graduate education in the natural sciences and mathematics, inspire and support the continued pursuit of knowledge and achievement, and encourage the capture of scientific truths during the entire career of each member. The Cheyney chapter was established in April 1975.
Eta Sigma Delta is an organization that rewards scholastic and professional achievement in the field of hospitality management while fostering the advancement of teaching, learning, research, and practice for individual development.
The Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Fine Art Honor Society Student Chapter of the Higher Education Division of the National Art Education Association is a national honorary art society organized on Cheyney’s campus in November 2003. It provides acknowledgement to students of excellence who demonstrate a high standard of accomplishment in art. Members provide community service locally and nationally through art. https://www.arteducators.org/
The national honor society in psychology founded in 1929, recognizes scholastic achievement and interest in psychology. Its purposes are to encourage, stimulate, and maintain the scholarship of its individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. Psi Chi, in conjunction with regional psychological associations, sponsors conventions at which members are given opportunities to present research papers. The Cheyney University chapter of Psi Chi was established in 1977.
Rho Phi Lambda is a professional honor society of recreation, parks, and leisure majors. Its purpose is to recognize recreation, parks, and leisure majors who have excelled; to encourage the development of professional standards for the leisure field; to stimulate the development of individual members’ professional growth in the leisure field; and to cultivate, foster, and promote amity among the students of the leisure profession. The Epsilon chapter was established in March 1974.
Sigma Lambda Sigma is a national Recreation Honor society whose purposes are: to recognize excellence in recreation majors; encourage the development of professional standards for the recreation field; and stimulate the development of recreation students. The Epsilon chapter was established in March 1974.
Sigma Tau Delta is the International English Honor Society. A member of the Association of College Honor Societies, it was founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University. Alpha Nu Rho is Cheyney University’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.