RA Selection
Being a Resident Advisor opens up many doors in the college and in the professional world. The Resident Advisor position offers common work experience that helps students develop management skills, interpersonal relationships and the ability to carry out projects. The Resident Advisor staff works closely with campus security and Public Safety in order to ensure the safety of residents residing in the residence halls. They are mandated to attend all training sessions on campus and mandated to report and keep track of residents that do not seem to adjust well to independent living. RAs are your “go to” staff member for any concerns you may have because they are upperclassmen that can assist or advise on next steps.
Resident Advisors are supervised by Campus Living Assistants whose sole focus is to provide the residents support and promote academic focus.
Criteria for being a Resident Advisor is as follows:
- 2.7 GPA or higher
- 30 or more credited hours taken at Cheyney University
- The student must have no prior judicial record.
- Student must be in good financial standing with the University, meaning no “stops” on their accounts.
RA Application deadline extended to Friday, March 1st at 5 PM. Apply today at: