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Your contribution can be a lifeline to a student who dreams of obtaining a college education. With your support, promising students can receive access to financial assistance without the burden of mounting debt. Your donation can allow Cheyney to acquire vital technology, attract talented faculty, or support other critical initiatives, providing students with an enriching and holistic college experience.
Established in 1837, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania continues to build on its legacy as America’s first institution of higher education for African-Americans.
No matter the size of your donation, you ensure that Cheyney is able to support deserving students and deliver the outstanding educational programs they deserve. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
All gifts received go to the Cheyney Foundation. The Cheyney Foundation exists solely to support Cheyney University.
To find out more about how you can make a difference at Cheyney University call (610) 399-2419, email us at info@cheyneyfoundation.org