Your Access to Everything Card
The Campus Card is the official Cheyney University picture identification card. It also serves as your “key” to the campus — an all-in-one meal card, and building access card. All Cheyney University ID cards are issued by the Office of Information Technology.
Door Access
At various locations throughout campus, card readers have been installed to allow your access while ensuring security. Access privileges are based on job duties, residency, athletic programs, student organizations, and services. All campus housing is secured with card access control. Any changes to your access privileges are automatically updated to your Campus Card, and access will discontinue upon inactive status or separation from the University.
Meal Plans
A meal plan is a prepaid account for on-campus meals. A variety of plan options offer a set amount of meals per day throughout the term. In addition, meal plans include extra funds, called Dining Dollars, which can be spent on snacks or other meals. All unused Dining Dollars will expire at the close of each semester.
Debit Card
A Wolf Bucks spending account is a prepaid debit account. Funds added to a Wolf Bucks account may be used for purchases at any time and as often as desired. Unused funds are carried forward on a year-to-year basis.
Please note that no cash withdrawals can be made from the card and no transactions will be processed once the balance is depleted. No funds may be transferred from Wolf Bucks to Dining Dollars or vice versa.
Photo ID
The Campus Card is the official identification card of Cheyney University. It is issued exclusively to members of the University and is required for identification and access to essential campus services.
Receiving Your Card
To obtain your Cheyney ID card, bring a valid photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport) to the Office of Information Technology. New incoming students are eligible to obtain an ID card upon payment of the Acceptance Fee.
Campus Card Office
Marcus Foster – 3rd Floor, Room 301
(610) 399-2222
Monday through Friday
8:30 to 5 pm
There is a fee for the replacement of a lost, damaged, or stolen ID card. Demagnetized cards and visibly damaged cards (e.g. cards that are bent, curled, broken, or taped as well as cards with visible scratches on the magnet stripe or holes punched in the card) also carry a replacement fee. Non-functioning cards with University errors will be replaced at no charge when turned in at the Information Technology Department.
To obtain a replacement card, please pay the replacement fee at the Bursar’s Office, then present your receipt at the Office of Information Technology. Once a card has been replaced, the old card is no longer valid.
Students who pay a New Student fee have their first ID card charge included in the fee. All other students who have not paid one of the above fees or had it waived will have a Replacement Card fee ($15) added to their University account, payable at the Bursar’s Office. Employees and Members of the Council of Trustees ID cards are paid for by Cheyney University including replacement cards.
All members of Cheyney University must obtain an ID card and are responsible for keeping the ID card safe for the duration of their time at the University. The ID card must be in the cardholder’s possession at all times. Cards may be confiscated if presented by someone other than the cardholder. Any alteration or fabrication of the card, as well as fraudulent use of the ID card, may result in disciplinary action.
Card Care
It is the cardholder’s responsibility to make sure that your ID card is valid and in working condition at all times — specifically, the information printed on it, data encoded on the magnetic stripe and smart card chips. Do not bend, curl, break, tape, or store your card near electronic equipment. Any of these actions could demagnetize the card and interfere with electronic reading. Tampering with a Wolf Card, attaching labels or stickers or punching holes in the Cheyney University card is prohibited.
Lost or Stolen Card
Cardholder is responsible for the security of the ID card. If a card is lost or stolen, it is up to the cardholder to deactivate the card at the Office of Information Technology to prevent fraudulent use. The cardholder can also call the Office of Information Technology to request its deactivation. If the cardholder finds the card and has deactivated it, the cardholder may bring the found card to the Information Technology Department to be reactivated.
Rights and privileges associated with the card are non-transferable and are contingent upon active status with the University.
Use of the Campus Card indicates agreement to the terms and conditions that govern its use. Changes in the terms and conditions will apply to all cards in circulation and in use at that time and will supersede the terms and conditions in effect at the time the card was acquired.
Cardholder information is confidential as defined by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); a federal law governing the sharing of student information with parties within and outside the University. The Office of Information Technology must comply with government agencies and with the University’s Office of Public Safety to aid investigations. Information is shared with other University offices on a need-to-know basis.