Parking at Cheyney
Parking Permits are Required on Cheyney University’s Campus
All vehicles must be registered with the Cheyney Police Department. On-campus parking by students requires the purchase and display of a CU parking permit. A permit is required for each vehicle if you are using multiple vehicles. If you are temporarily using a different vehicle other than the one registered, you must obtain a temporary parking permit from the Cheyney Police Department. You must also purchase a new permit each year. The fee for the permit is $30.00.
To obtain a parking permit, download a copy of the Cheyney University Parking Permit Application, available on the Cheyney Police Department Website, and submit payment to the Bursar.
Bring the following to University Police Headquarters in McKnight-Rogers to receive your parking hang tag:
- Completed Parking Permit Application
- Proof of payment
- Valid driver’s license
- Valid vehicle registration
Temporary Parking Tags
Temporary parking permits are available from police headquarters at no charge to holders of valid annual permits, when the valid permit has been forgotten or is unavailable for display. Temporary permits are issued to contractors, vendors, or visitors for a specified time period. A valid driver’s license and vehicle plate number must be presented to the dispatch center at police headquarters.
Temporary parking permits must be displayed from the inside rear-view mirror, with the plate number information visible.
Where To Park
Student Parking is restricted to the Motorcycle Parking Lot and the Airport Parking Lot.
The Motorcycle Parking Lot is located on the upper right hand side of the main campus – directly above the Carver Science Center is one of two designated areas for student parking.
The Airport Parking Lot is located behind Ada George on Creek Road.
No curbside parking is permitted at any campus location.
First Year Students
All first year students (excluding commuters) are prohibited from parking vehicles on campus for the academic year. Freshmen may request an exemption to this rule, in writing, by contacting the Cheyney University Chief of Police.
Any vehicle found on campus that is not registered or found to be in the possession of a first-year student will be ticketed and/or towed. Please note that fees will not be waived for any reason.
Display of Parking Permits (Hangtags)
Student Parking Permits
- All regular student parking permits must be displayed on the rearview mirror with the permit visible from the outside of the vehicle. If the operator decides to place the permit in any other manner, he/she is responsible for the issued ticket.
- The permit must be displayed at all times when the vehicle is parked on University property.
- A student parking permit is not considered valid unless it is displayed in accordance with these parking regulations and clearly visible to the officers from the outside of the vehicle.
- If a ticket is issued to a vehicle not displaying a current permit, the owner (failing to put the permit on the rearview mirror) will be required to pay a fine of $30.
Motor Vehicle Violations
All motor vehicle laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and campus regulations are strictly enforced. Citations for violations result in fines and may result in associated points on your license. All student vehicles must be registered with the Cheyney Police Department and must display a valid decal.
Vehicles on Cheyney property not having all required visible forms of identification or left without use for an unusual period of time will be considered abandoned and will be removed from Cheyney property at the owner’s expense.
Vehicles that have two or more unpaid parking violations may be booted or towed at the owner’s expense. All student vehicles must be parked, in a space, in the Motorcycle parking lot or the Airport Parking Lot. Vehicles parked in a fire lane, at curbside, or in any other illegal manner will be booted or towed at the owner’s expense. Campus vehicle regulation information, including information on fines and service charges, may be obtained at the Cheyney Police Department.
Parking tickets and/or parking citations are issued by campus police when vehicles are illegally parked.
Campus parking tickets must be paid at the business office. Citations are paid at the district court.
Failure to pay campus fines (parking tickets), within the prescribed time, may result in “booting.” Failure to pay parking citations can result in a summary arrest warrant at the district court level. Booting or towing of any vehicle will be at the owner’s expense. Vehicles may be towed or booted if parked in fire lanes or other prohibited locations. The Cheyney Police Department may remove vehicle registration plates for identification and investigative purposes.
Towing and Booting
The University reserves the right to immobilize (boot) or to remove and impound abandoned vehicles or
any vehicle found on campus:
- That have accrued 2 or more outstanding parking tickets within an academic year;
- Without a current permit;
- With an unauthorized, altered or revoked permit;
- Without a license plate;
- With an expired license plate;
- Parked in driveways, fire lanes, reserved or service vehicle spaces, and reserved lots;
- In repeated violation of parking regulations;
- Blocking a loading dock or trash dumpster;
- Parked in an area designated as a construction zone or in an area which requires emergency repairs and the owner refuses to move the vehicle;
- Parked in such a way as to constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic or to the movement and operation of emergency equipment.
You will be ticketed if you have violated the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code and/or University Regulations per below:
Fees/Fines** | Fee/Fine |
Vehicle Permit Registration Fee | $30.00** |
Replacement of Vehicle Registration | $30.00** |
Parking Tickets | $30.00** |
Boot Charge | $90.00** |
** Each occurrence |
Description of Violation | Fee/Fine |
Parking in Handicapped Designated Area | $90.00 |
Unauthorized Parking in Reserved Parking Areas | $30.00 |
Failure to Display Parking Permit | $30.00 |
Unauthorized Parking in Staff Only Areas | $30.00 |
Parking on Roadway | $30.00 |
Parking on Grass – plus any damages | $30.00 |
Parking in Area Not Designated for Parking | $30.00 |
Other | $30.00 |