Welcoming Visiting Students
Undergraduate students from any school in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education are welcome to enroll in courses at Cheyney University, without losing residency at your current school, eligibility for honors and athletics, and credits toward graduation. The grades earned in this program will be accepted in full by Cheyney University, and will be included in the calculation of credits earned, GPA, and residency requirements.
Requirements and Conditions:
- The student must be matriculated at the home University with a minimum of 12 college-level credits and be in good academic standing.
- Maximum of 24 credits via the Visiting Student Policy.
- Students who presents evidence of good standing at their home University will be allowed to register for courses at Cheyney and determined by our established priority level.
- All credits and grades accrued at Cheyney will be accepted in full by the home University and thereafter treated as home University credits, residency, and grades.
- It is the responsibility of the student to work with an adviser at their home institution regarding applicability of credits towards graduation requirements, consistent with PASSHE procedures.
- Students must complete the Visiting Student Notification Form and submit to their home institution prior to enrolling in courses at Cheyney.
- Students cannot use the Visiting Student Program to repeat courses.
- Students cannot use the Visiting Student Program for an internship or practical that are required for licensure or certification without the express written permission of the appropriate officials at the home University and placement availability at Cheyney.
- The student shall register at, and pay tuition and fees to, Cheyney University. A student wishing to divide a course load between two institutions during the same term shall register and pay appropriate tuition and fees at both universities.
Note: PASSHE Distance Education Course Application Process: Students wishing to take advantage of PASSHE Distance Education Course Sharing need to complete the Distance Education Application with their home institution.