Proposal/Grant Submissions Process
Intent to Write Form
Please complete this form to alert Sponsored Programs that you will be submitting a proposal for a particular grant announcement. This will standardize procedures and allow the university to work more effectively in utilizing available human capital and resources.
Intent to Pursue a Funding Opportunity
DownloadThe Principal Investigator (PI)
The individual responsible for conceiving and implementing a project is known as the Principal Investigator. When this individual takes on the task of preparing a proposal for submission to an outside source, he or she agrees to manage the ensuing grant or contract in compliance with the terms, conditions, and policies of both the sponsor and the University.
Only one principal investigator should be named to delineate clear lines of responsibility for project management. In some instances, a colleague central to the project may be named co-principal investigator or be given another appropriate title.
University Affiliation for Institutional Awards
The principal investigator must be a member of the faculty, professional, or senior staff, or be an administrative officer of the University. Depending on the nature of the proposal, individuals with other University appointments may serve as principal investigators. Naming an individual in the proposal who is not an employee of the University does not commit the institution to employing that individual.
Unless otherwise indicated in the proposal, Principal Investigator is expected to be in residence at the University during the period of project operation. Principal Investigators seeking a leave of absence during the period of grant/contract performance must obtain written authorization from the department Chief who will identify a substitute or replacement PI and then share the information with the Office of Sponsored Programs.
All sponsored projects that utilize campus facilities such as laboratories, classrooms, etc., involve human subjects, animals, radioactive materials, or toxic or hazardous substances, involve any other faculty, staff or graduate students as part of the project budget, or in any way affect the University, must comply with University regulations. Requests must be submitted through the OSPR for review and approval.
Benefits of Grant Writing
For Principal Investigators (PIs) and (Co PIs) there are many benefits to writing grants for the university and your department. Not only do you improve the academic structure of the University and your community through research, but you as the Principal Investigator (PI) and (Co PI) benefit as well. There are three incentives to writing grants.
Release Time
When proposals are submitted and funded, the Principal Investigator (PI) may be given release time from his/her academic responsibilities such as classroom instruction to run the funded program. A percentage of his/her classroom instruction may be reassigned to other faculty members and that percentage of time may then be used to carry out the objectives of the grant. This percentage and amount must align with the approved project budget and be agreed upon and approved by the faculty member, Department Chair, Dean, Provost and Executive Leadership Group.
PI Account/Indirect Costs
When proposals are funded, indirect cost reimbursement is applied to University indirect costs. Before any award is signed by the President or the Chief Financial Officer who are the only University Authorized Organization Representatives, the PI must provide an implementation timeline for approval to the OSPR.
Asset for Promotion and Tenure
Writing winning proposals can benefit you during the funded periods as well as years down the road. The PI can include the funded proposal in his/her promotion and tenure portfolio. The PI will also be able to reference the funded grant on his/her curriculum vita when seeking promotions and/or positions within the University or external to the University.
Accounting & Monitoring Procedures
No expenditures or project implementation will occur without a signed and fully executed grant or contract agreement. The University grant accountant may contact the grantor to discuss agreement terms, and project deliverables to include the project budget, procedures for funds release, and reporting and project evaluation. Upon receiving the signed and fully executed Grant or Contract Award notification, the grant and contract accountant:
- sets up a grant or contract account number in the university’s business management system
- meets with the PI to go over deliverables and invoicing
- alerts the PI when reports are due to ensure timely submissions
- tracks spending on the grant
- approves allowable costs for payment
- remains vigilant throughout the grant cycles
- makes sure that should an unallowable cost be mistakenly identified as an unrestricted cost it is immediately transferred to the related departmental cost center.
Any questions on this process should be directed to the Grant and Contract Accountant, George Jones gejones@cheyney.edu or 610-399-2082.