- Office Of Finance & Administration
- Office of Sponsored Programs & Research (OSPR)

The Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
The goals of Cheyney University’s Office of Sponsored Programs are accomplished while maintaining responsible stewardship of extramural sponsored projects, applicable federal, state, and agency regulations/policies and in fulfillment of six goals as articulated in Cheyney University’s Strategic Plan:
- Goal 1: Strengthen Academic Quality and Excellence
- Goal 2: Advance Student Achievement and Success
- Goal 3: Manage and secure fiscal resources and facilities needed to enhance institutional effectiveness
- Goal 4: Nurture Cheyney’s Human Capital
- Goal 5: Cultivate Public Engagement and Citizenship
- Goal 6: Use technology effectively to enhance teaching and learning; including support services, business processes; and the procurement of external support
Below are resources to help you learn about and seek funding opportunities to support your development, opportunities for students and the growth of Cheyney University!
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania is not a 501(c)(3), but is exempt as a governmental instrumentality under Section 115(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. (Download the CU Tax Exempt Status Certificate)
Official Codes |
DUNS | 10-380-2310 |
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) | CKMUGZUDB4J3 |
OPE ID | 331700 |
TPIN | 1998D273690 |
MPIN | 21230ME20 (zeroes, not the letter O) |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 23-2478688 |
Cheyney Student Government Association EIN | 23-1603656 |
Cheyney National Alumni Association EIN | 23-7010017 |
Nonprofit Authorization Number for nonprofit rate mailing | 381661 |
Federal Indirect Cost Rate (DOWNLOAD) | 52% |
Cost Assignment & Monitoring Allowable and Unallowable Costs Policy
DownloadFor further information please contact:
Mae Stephens
Director Title III/Grants Administration