
“Becoming Aware of Autism”

By Oluwatoni (Toni) Latona Now more than ever Cheyney University needs to care more about how we communicate with those that are different. Often when we speak to somebody who has a condition that is unfamiliar, we worry about saying the wrong thing. This happens a lot to people with disabilities, especially those with autism. To help bring awareness to the autistic spectrum on Cheyney’s campus, I decided to write this post. To begin, I want you to imagine a baby boy named Michael. He was born with two eyes and two feet. He had control over all the functions of his body. Unfortunately, at the age of two, he stopped talking until he was four years old. This may seem random but this happens to many children in America before they are diagnosed as being autistic. Not until these children are tested and diagnosed by a doctor do their.
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