Preserving Our Proud Heritage
As the oldest institution of higher learning for African Americans, Cheyney’s story is inextricably woven into the fabric of American progress. Our University Archives and Special Collections promote that history by acquiring, preserving, and describing historical records, images and artifacts relevant to our history past.
Access/Usage Policy
Researchers are welcome to visit Cheyney’s archival storage room. Please follow this link and make an appointment during the librarian’s hours: https://cheyney.edu/academics/library/
To protect our materials, photocopies, cellphones and cameras are NOT allowed until approval is granted. Researchers may take only a laptop, or notebook and pen/pencil into the archives. Bags and coats are not allowed in the archives, but may be left at the reference desk. When materials of interest are identified, visitors must complete the Cheyney University usage permission form, to copy, display or use the image/materials for the approved purposes.
Virtual & Physical Reference Library
Virtual and Physical Reference Library services are available:
Monday – Thursday 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Friday Closed
Saturday 12:00PM – 3:00PM
Sunday 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Please click on the box below to contact the library.
To contact the virtual reference service desk, please contact Professor Lianglei (Lily) Qi at lqi@cheyney.edu or call 610.399.2715