As a first-year student, you have a fantastic opportunity to make the most of everything Cheyney offers. We’ve created the **First Year Experience (FYE)** program to support and enhance your academic and co-curricular journey.

What is FYE?

The FYE program is designed to:

  • Motivate you to excel in academics, character, and social responsibility.
  • Inform you about key resources and services on campus.
  • Guide you through the steps for a successful college experience.
  • Introduce opportunities for personal, professional, and leadership development.

FYE spans the academic year and includes Discovery Days, Freshman Seminar, and Freshman Forum. In addition to providing academic and student support services (including registration assistance), the program employs learning communities and cohort blocks and provides opportunities for mentorship to new students.


Learning Communities

  • Mission: Create a culture of learning through a united campus effort.
  • Cohorts: Encourage integration of knowledge across courses and involvement in social issues.
  • Support: Combine academic support with social connections to build confidence.

Residential Experiences

  • Living in residential housing fosters a sense of community, provides easy access to academic resources, and offers opportunities for personal growth through social and extracurricular activities.
  • Residential students can participate in living and learning communities.

CheyneyMade Experience

  • Held before the semester starts, includes welcome week activities for new students to navigate campus, learn about Cheyney’s traditions, and discover resources and services to help students transition to the Cheyney community.

Freshman Seminar

  • A two-semester course designed to support your social and academic transition to college life.
  • Includes the Freshman Forum and the Student Success Series on designated Wednesdays.

Passport to Success

  • As you participate in campus activities, you’ll document your experiences through photography, and writing, increasing your engagement with FYE opportunities.

This First Year Experience (FYE) program is here to help you succeed and make the most of your first year at Cheyney University. Welcome aboard and get ready for an exciting journey!

Contact Information:

Director of Student Success
Marcus Foster