Cheyney University developed the Breaking Barriers series to educate and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion across an academic landscape. The Breaking Barriers Conference, with the help of Program Directors from NSF, will do so with an emphasis on racial equity and securing authentic network partnerships that can begin eliminating the systemic racism barriers that have prevented the career advancement and expansion of scholarly pursuits in STEM for faculty of color. NSF award number 2133248.

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At the virtual conference, you can expect information on the communication of research ideas, explanation and review of proposals, discussion on barriers faced and broken by faculty of color in the sponsored programs landscape, development of a network that brings together successfully funded faculty with aspiring grant seekers to create partnerships and foster collaboration, and exposure of institutional and community transformation models that can be shared through a research infrastructure.


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We are planning to include Gail Christopher’s concept of Racial Healing Circles within the breakout session portion of the training to perpetuate Hodari and Johnson’s evidence-based solution of small group connectivity and begin consciously converting microaggressions that faculty of color face into a space to affirm their worth. These small circles encourage participants to be less judgmental of others and encourage improved communication. We will focus on treating one another with kindness and respect, holding one another’s stories in confidence, and honoring each other’s unique perspectives.

Join us for our 3rd annual Breaking Barriers Conference Series as we share some solutions for supporting faculty of color in the grant writing process.


December 16 & 17, 2021 from 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST!