February 22, 2022

Cheyney University to students: Keep Black Love Alive

Cheyney University to students: Keep Black Love Alive

As the nation’s first historically Black College and University, Cheyney University recently got involved with the national Keep Black Love Alive initiative.

Launched by the Chromatic Black organization, it’s an effort to combat misinformation in vaccine-hesitant communities.

Dr. Marietta Dantonio-Madsen, Chairperson of Humanities at Cheyney University, helped bring the message straight to the Cheyney community.

“To educate the public especially black and brown individuals the necessity of getting vaccinated and how getting vaccinated keeps black lives alive,” said Dr. Madsen.

The University hosted a special event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day that combined this message with art.

“The event was a collaboration of artists painting and creating imagery around how COVID affected them individually and affected their families and community.”

Not only were students able to express themselves through art, but they were also able to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccinations through speakers.

Over 200 students lined up to receive vaccinations that day.

For Black History Month, Dr. Madsen organized a virtual exhibit with the same “Keep Black Love Alive” theme. All submissions are a creative cultural response to COVID-19.

The official opening of the virtual exhibit is on February 24th.


Cheyney University to students: Keep Black Love Alive | PHL17.com