Visit the Career Development Center

Meet with the Career Director for a Leadership Assessment

Create an account on Handshake

Begin formatting and developing your resume and compile sample cover letters

Research possible academic majors

Attend Career Development Expo in the fall and spring

Select and participate in on-campus extracurricular activities that will enhance your skills

Begin networking, attend lectures and presentations of interest

Develop good study habits & create a study schedule

Visit the Career Development Center

Create a Handshake account

Update your resume and cover letters share a sample with Career Director

Begin researching possible careers and organizations

Attend Career Development Workshops

Attend interest sessions that are recruiting for jobs and internships

Attend Career Development Expo in the fall and spring

Declare a major

Conduct Mock interviews with professionals of interest

Find internships or career-related work experience

Begin exploring Grad Schools

Join student organizations related to your major or area of interest

Continue participation in extra-curricular and community activities

Obtain a job or volunteer on-campus

Develop relationships with professors/advisors in order to obtain letters of recommendation


Visit the Career Development Center

Upload resume on Handshake account

Create professional Linked account

Update your resume and cover letters

Attend Career Development Workshops

Attend Career Development Expo fall and spring

Conduct informational interviews with professionals in your interest area

Obtain an internship or career-related work experience

Sign up for on-campus recruitment and participate in on-campus interviews for internship

Assume leadership roles/officer positions in your organizations

Continue participation in extracurricular and community activities

Explore and or visit Grad Schools

Prepare for graduate school exams


Visit the Office of Career Development and Engagement

Develop a job search plan

Polish and refine your resume and cover letters

Gather references and letters of recommendation

Attend Career Development Workshops

Hold a significant position within a campus organization

Sign up for on-campus recruitment and participate in on-campus interviews

Attend Career Development Expo in fall and spring

Gather references and letters of recommendation

Tour/Visit Graduate Schools

Mail graduate school applications

Continue participation in extra-curricular and community activities

Take graduate schools exams

Do one final visit to the Career Development Center before graduation